Saturday, August 13, 2011


You can't control the things that happen to you but you can control how you react to them :) Sounds like a very cliched quote right ?

I know. Tell me about it. I've been so caught up with all that's going on around me focusing mostly on the negative, that I have forgotten how to bhilosophy) :)
e positive, think positive and act positive. And I hate that side of me. But, I met a certain someone today, and he would prefer to be known simply as Dr.G ( PhD in Human P
And, he has agreed to give me a quote for living life, in a simple manner :) And I, in turn am going to upload his quotes, whenever he decides to grace my phone with his philosophical grace and presence :)

Quote 1 :

Date : 12 July 2011
Time : Confidential
Circumstances under which the message was received : Hehe. I was eating Roti Bakar with Nescafe Tarik :p Mmmmmmmm. Yummy :)

Basically, I was moping about something which I really wanted, and took a toll on me for the worse. And Dr.G, being the intellectual genius that he is, gave me a saying :) And it made me feel a lot better.

Ready for it ? Here comesssss !!

A for Apple, B for Ball...That is life.

The inner meaning : A for apple, and B for ball, is the simplest thing you learn in the English  Alphabet. Apply that simplicity to life, and life will be beautiful. Live life, simply :)


Friday, August 12, 2011

Who are we to judge the higher truth, when we ourselves can't handle it ?

Everything happens for a reason. At least that's what I've been told whilst I was growing up. And I'm willing to bet that 99.99 percent of you who's reading this, have heard that cliched line over and over, most probably when you were droning and wallowing in self-pity about something that has literally caused you to remain indignant. But then you ask yourself, is there really a reason for things that take place in your life ? A higher purpose ? A missing piece to the puzzle ? How do you handle the things that happen to you with poise and dignity?

Basically, that particular line " Everything happens for a reason" is a way of pacifying ourselves in times where you know that even the best psychologist will not be able to talk you out of the self-loathing and pity you have for yourself. But what if everything does happen for a reason? What if everything that takes place in your life, whether for better or for worse, is pre-planned and set to fall into place at all the exact times of your life in order for you to learn something, to heal, to emotionally transform and to experience the goodness of all that is around you?

A lot of us can't handle the truth and ingenuous facts that are laid out in front of us simply because we are human. You may think that I've been criticizing humans a lot recently but the truth is I'm just being plain straightforward. Like I said. We can't handle the truth most of the time. We prefer fabricating the truth to fit our perception, our liking and our personal inclination towards the things that matter to us the most. In other words, we see what we want to see and we hear what we want to hear. And most of us, excluding the atheists, blame the Higher Force for all of the things that go wrong in our lives. But what if there is something better waiting for us at the end of the line ?

My epiphany fit faith into the equation, because I've been questioning faith my whole life and am yet to get a sign telling me, faith is inside you and even if that sign comes, I would probably still question faith thinking that it's just a voice inside my head playing scrabble with my brains. Because in truth, I tend to believe in what I want to believe in. I see truth in what I want to see truth in. So yes, I fit faith into the equation when I question myself, "How do I make decisions today, without knowing what may or may not happen tomorrow. Isn't it a risk?".

There was this one quote I read, from somewhere, I can't remember where, but it sounded like this. "Tell a man that there are 300 billion stars in the Universe and he'll believe you. But tell him there is wet paint on a bench and he will have to touch it just to be sure." You see? We believe the most outrageous things on earth, but simple facts, like wet paint, we find it hard to digest. To the question I asked previously, about making decisions? Yes. It is a risk. It's a risk I'm willing to take, because, FAITH is knowing you will be taught to fly, when you are teetering at the edge. I am teetering at the edge, but now, I know I'll be given wings to fly.

Back to my epiphany. We know we can't handle the truth. So who are we to judge the HIGHER TRUTH, of the occurrences in our lives, when we ourselves can't handle it? Shouldn't we just leave things be ? Why put our nose into something we can't handle? Isn't it easier to just surrender and let things take place? Force sets things into motion. That's the fundamental rule of physics.

Force yourself to surrender, and things might turn out your way after all.  


At last, here I am back to my blog... LOL... Im so sorry my bloggie, missed you so much hunny pie.. Its been quite a while, hmmm actually a long time i reckon... IM SO SO SORRRYYYY... <3 I dont wan to make any excuse but seriously I had no time.. As i said earlier, i hardly adapt myself to changes, so yeah, i was adapting myself to this new environment of me in. After dis, I'll try my best to keep u up, make u up and cheer u up okay LOL.. Nuts am I? Hahaha.. Cheers folk..