Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Four Letter Word...


I always thought four letter words were banned
But i know of one that makes life beautiful.
It works its wonders in mysterious ways,
And I think cupid's struck this hopeful,
Since I set my eyes on you...
And how much more can I portray to show that this is true.
My life is like candle in your hands to light your life.
When you are afraid of the darkness and blow it off when you are safe..
This candle will always light your way until it cannot strive,
I don't know how to explain this pain,
Its driving me crazy not being able to let it out
I think I'll go insane
You are special to me in so many different ways
I don't know exactly what sets you apart from the rest
but you've stolen my heart straight from my chest
It was locked with a key opened only by me
cause I didn't want to let anyone else in
but I opened it to you and let you in
and again over my mind my heart wins.
A feeling this strong can't be ignored
My heart has been whispering.........have you heard?

I would like to dedicate this poem to all those peeps indulging deeply in LOVE... 
Stay happy sweethearts... 
Love EVER, Hurt NEVER...  Cheers!


I will never be the perfect BOY. The one with the perfect hair that looks untouched no matter how many times he moves.

I will never be able to wear white without getting it dirty.

My jeans will always be a little crumpled.

My shoes will always have a little grime.

I will never eat silently. I will somehow end up talking when there’s food in my mouth. In fact, I doubt I’d ever stop talking.

My room will always be in a mess.

My bag will always be a dump.

I will always use the wrong words and the wrong times.

I will never be the one to hold my peace at the right time. I will always say what I feel like I need to. Of course, I will always feel like smacking myself silly the next day for not holding my peace.

I will always have ugly feet and terrible toenails.

I will never stop falling down accidentally.

I will never stop laughing out too loud.

I do drop things and sometimes they break.

I will always dance like there’s no tomorrow. I will always overwork myself. I will never stop saying Yes. i will always bark and fight at the slightest thing.

I will never learn to stop getting hurt.

I will end up missing all those person i never expect to miss in my life.

I will be friggin angry with a person, n when they ask sorry from me, i will end up melting n saying "nah, its ok, i never thought that way"..  *whacking my head*

My closet will end up like a mountain of clothes even after my mum tidy it up for me every week.. I wonder why mum never give up... 

I do fall for sweet strangers.. ahhh

I will always get my hair spoiled at any hairdresser. freak that...

I will always think of a person who doesn't even think of me. I know...

This is me, now and this is me always. I will never stop loving myself, now and forever. I may not be perfect, but I am definitely real.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


L A Y E R S.

Have you ever wondered what happened to the person you knew 10 years ago and realized how much they've changed ? How much time has changed both of you ? Or have you ever wondered what happened to the "old you" as opposed to the "new you", where in case point the old you used to be so much more happier, so much more optimistic, so much more daring? And the new you, for that matter is completely on the other end of the world, and you realize, that somehow, somewhere along life's path, you've even lost track of who you are.

There is a fine line between who you are and who you want to be. We all want to be the person everyone else is comfortable with, the life and soul of the party. But the question is, are WE comfortable with who we might or might not have become ? Technically, all of us are practically buried within ourselves. By layers. Yes, you read me right. Layers. Layers of hurt, frustration, depression, anger, boredom and defense. We're so layered by everything we do that we're buried underneath those layers. Think about it, not only are we layered by our emotions, we're also layering each and everything that we do. When was the last time you concentrated on the one thing you're doing instead of doing two things at the same time ?

"The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die within us while we still live"

By living amidst all the layers we have buried ourselves under, we're only making it harder for "us" to find ourselves. You find yourself wallowing in resentment and self-pity and lashing out when you don't even know what got you pissed off in the first place. We hang on to all the layers we have built under our defense and shut ourselves off completely from getting hurt. There's the catch. Sure, you can shut yourself out from the cold, cruel world and salvage what's left of your petty emotions and keep from getting hurt. But if you keep out the dark, you're also keeping out the light. You can't have one without the other. That's balancing. Enjoy the happiness, that flows into your life, without suspicion. Enjoy letting people keep you happy, compliment you without suspicion. See things the way they are. Don't analyze.

I realized how layered I have become when I looked back and saw how much the world had changed, to my view, that is. And that's when I remembered, that the world is just your mirror. When we define someone, judge someone, in truth, we're only defining and judging ourselves.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Moment Has Gone By...

We all grow up,
as sitting together with the brothers watching a disney movie becomes a memory laden with the background music of popeye the sailor man.
leaving the carefree days of childhood innocence and of thinking your parents are the most perfect people in the world.
we wonder whats come of our friends from primary school days.
who they've grown into; married and had children to?
we remember the tears we shed when our first grandparent died, or if not, the first death experienced,
and of our parents explaining how all life has to eventually come to an end.
you cry some more thinking of losing more family, wishing life was immortal.
the first death always brings with it, this eternal fear of death.

Now you look at where you stand?
Who's around you? do you see your youngself in the eyes of your kids?
surely you've experienced the pang of goodbyes, of heartaches,
experienced the brutality of society..even family,
as people grow into the persons they are today and lifes many dissenting opinions bare down on us.
have you ever wondered what happened to all those years in between? a decade has gone by. maybe two. are u living off of just memories or are you building upon those that precede the present day?
they say blood is thicker than water, i dont know why they compare family to friends? my friends are like a thick mixture of syrup.
take a moment to remember the journey you've been on!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” –Charles Darwin.

The quote above, was from the man behind the secret of evolution of man itself. You’ve got to give him credit for it. The guy’s a genius. And it’s funny how quotes like this, which were quoted so long ago actually apply to the modern day world. I’m not talking about evolution physically, but psychologically. Change is inevitable. The only consistent thing that happens in a human’s life, is change, regardless of whether it is welcome or not. We can’t control change. We can’t control what happens to us on a daily basis. We can’t possibly foresee the changes that are about to take place, unless, of course you’re a person with psychic abilities. Well if you are. Then good for you. The rest of us, including myself, are normal human beings who have no idea how, or when, change takes place. We’re all susceptible to it.

At some point, everyone is going to change. Some call it growing up. I call it adapting. Which is what this whole post is about. Most of us are bad at accepting change. When I say most of us, I particularly mean myself. I’m resistant to change. I give it my all to keep change out of my life. I spend months, if not weeks trying to accept a simple blatant fact. And I realized, that’s not very healthy. If I kept on doing that, I’ve just limited my mental and physical barriers to what is and not what will be. I realized, that everyone experiences loads of changes in life. Educational, in and out of relationships, divorces, marriages, travel, death, life, new clothes, throwing out old ones, stacking memories to the back of the mind, relishing old memories, making new ones and the list goes on. All of those is change. And to survive, we have to adapt to it. Think of it as a game. That’s how I’m dealing with it on a daily basis. I thought I could never go another day, when I had my first heart break, when I first failed the most important paper of my life, when people I love walked out on me, when everything just seems like a vacuum. And then I started adapting. I started pushing away feelings into this numb void. A void that I never opened up, if I could help it.

Sooner or later, my mind began to accept what my heart couldn’t. And I moved on. And so I survived. You must be thinking, what is he talking about. We’re all surviving. We’re all alive. That’s where you could probably be wrong. We’re all alive, in the literal sense that we have oxygen to keep breathing and a heart that pumps. But I used to die, and suffocate internally on a daily basis. I used to welcome pain to succumb me whenever I’m at my weakest point. Then I fought back. When I learnt to accept. I adapted. I underwent change to adapt myself to the situations around me, the ones I couldn’t accept. Then I stopped dying. I stopped suffocating. I started to breathe. I started to live. I started to SURVIVE.

P/S: Changing to to a better way of living is essential...
If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies. LOL... CHEERS~~~

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Best From The Rest...

Kaushalya Chandini...
Wherever you may be, I just wanted to let you know that you are amazing. I wanted to thank you for everything you have ever done for me. You have always been there when I needed you, and you were always by my side when times got rough. I want to thank you for trusting me, and listening to me when I needed you to. I wanted to let you know that everything you do means a lot to me even though it seems as if most of it is trivial and stupid. I wanted to thank you for letting me help you, even though I know that you really know how to do whatever it is that I help you with.

It's only been three, almost four years since I met you, but it seems like its been a lifetime. I never really thought that I would get to know you so well, in the beginning I used to make fun of you behind your back. Then I got to know you, and I grew fond of you. I began to see who the real you was. I learned to see the good in people because of you.

I know we did have some hard times around us, although its truly heart breaking, we learn to make best out of it, we adapted ourselves to it.. I wondered how would i survived the time when i was broken, if I don't have u by my side, knocked my head and lifted me up... hahaha...

Cheers girl! No matter what happens, our friendship will not come to any end..U have been one of the best friend in my life... And I hope we will always be...
Lotsa Lovey Dovey!!!

p/s: I just L-O-V-E this picture... I guess this is the time where we get close, practically the first picture that we took together and not forgetting stupid problems that was provoked coz of this picture. Anyhow screw all of that, I don't give a damn...... Thanks heavens for the dance session! xoxoxoxo