Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm Broken Into Pieces.....

Waking up early in the morning, i was kinda excited because today there is a small reunion with my closest friends... I was actually kinda scared how to make it to the reunion because I didn ask my parents' permission yet... Once i dropped off my parents at work, I just splutter out, "Dad, can i join my friend's reunion today?"... Amazingly, daddy said "Yes ok, take care, drive carefully...".. Overjoyed I drove back home, trying to finish off all those house works, laundries and a small cooking session, i get ready for the reunion... As usual, my hair! Kept on giving me problems.. Haiz, regardless how the hair dresser messed up my hair yesterday altough I said not too short, and it ended up like she left only 5mm of hair on my head (wonder hw wud she cut my hair if i never mention not too short).. Hate it...

-back to the story-

Reaching the coffee shop, i was kinda nervous, God Knows Why... My ex is there as well, i knew it earlier actually... But what the heck right? I wanna meet my friends.. Not that bitch.. I need to show the face reaction of mine saying, I AM OVER YOU, HONEY...

I went into the place, n spotted the table where 4 of them sitting, they saw me walking in and i just get myself a sit there... I really wanted to hugg each of them real tight! Missed them so much... In my bag, I bought each person a small gift... As i reaching my hand for the gifts in my bag, my close friend, Mr.L asked me, WHO INVITED U HERE ANYWAY? ARE U MISPLACED OR WAT... DID WE CALLED U HERE?

My heart went into pieces at once... I felt like am I dreaming or what... Their face turned out to be like unpleased that I am there... I was stunned for a moment, rendered speechless, I was invited by them, and why are they talking like this... Mr G said "Omg, look at who's here...Unbelievable..!"

Then, i knew they were mad that I never turn out to their previous hangout... Seriously i know i cant make it because they held it at a pub, n I m highly forbidden from being there... I told them that my Dad don't give me the permission. They seemed cool about it, but now they are taking revenge.. But, which friend on this earth will take revenge on another friend... I seriously felt like a big stone is being dropped in my heart... They stopped talking a while... I knew I have to make a move, I just said, "Hmmm i left my wallet in the car, excuse me".. I never talk this formal with them... But now they just seem like bunch of strangers to me.. No more love in their eyes, none of them said HI.. What am I supposed to do... I just walk away from the place into my car... Once inside the car, I broke down, I knew if i stayed there a little longer, I would have embarrassed myself, crying in front of people... I took the gifts n just put it on the counter and asked the waiter to pass it to their table.. I cant take back those gifts back home... It was for them... And i texted one of them, saying " Dude, I'm not feeling quite well, u guys carry on please...N Thanks..." I switched off my phn n drove back home... I was thinking that is the best move I can do at that situation..

I never want to be a reason for them to pull the reunion to a dull one... Thinking of all this n crying all over it, I reached home.. I could'nt actually remember how i drove back, I didn even remember pressing the accelerator, pressing the brake or even changing the gears.. All i know is I reached home n then I asked myself how did I drove here.. I don't remember seeing any traffic lights also, and even the roads.. It was a 20km journey and i don't even remember a single road i passed by n i don't recall stopping at any of the 8 traffic lights along the way... I should blame myself for being so out of focus... Seriously, I am all broken and dismantled..

I guess I just lost my closest friends... I am really sorry if u guys think that I am thinking bad of u all, I don't know whether u guys will read this or not but I just want u all to know that I love each one of u so much.. Even now, I am not angry or what, I am just broken into pieces of the way guys treated me after all this years we have been together, through all those ups and downs...

I am broken.. =(

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